Friday, February 23, 2007

well hey there..

so...its been quite a while since this ol' gal has blogged, i guess you would say. im not sure why, its not that i didnt have anything to say...i think i was just waiting for the perfect moment. im obvioiusly thinking that 2am probably isnt the best choice, but when you have to have to write.

since i've last posted...a lot of things have happened.
-i have a wonderful boyfriend who just makes me smile all the time...he's my best friend, can't ask for more than that can ya?
-i got a pretty decent part in a Moliere' play called "scapin' " ... should be interesting..
-i am camp mundo vista's new assistant worship leader & co-counselor...very exciting.
-i've lost 5 pounds, somehow...without working thinking it must be stress or something of the sort.

im sure there are other things im leaving out...but we'll leave it at that for now.

lately i've been having this overwhelming feeling that i cant describe. i think its pre-graduation anxiety...granted i have 2 more years before i leave this university...but i still can't help but wonder what will happen afterwards. i want so much to be involved with theatre as much as i can, i dont want to be one of these majors that ends up working at Sears or behind the counter of a grocery store...i think i would be the most depressed person alive if that were me. i've been talking with one of our newest professors a lot lately about things to do after school...when he first came to CU i couldn't stand the man, i thought he was arrogant and just rude...but after talking to him and working with him, he has taught me so much in such a short amount of time. this man is soo educated and so good with getting his point across, plus he's hillarious so that always makes for a fun conversation. and, the best part is, i can be completely honest with him...he's not one of those professors that i'm like afraid to say "hey, i dont want to do that" know? its hard to explain..but yeah. i've got this anxious feeling like i have all this stuff i want to do...but it all coincides with something else, or is just a very inconvenient time...i want to do "this" show but its during a rough semester...i want to do 2 shows, but "this" show is during "this" shows rehearsals...i mean just thinking about it makes me feel stressed...

just keep me in your prayers and thoughts...i've got a lot on my mind lately...and once again i have way to much on my plate with no clue how to accomplish it all.

until we meet again,
ciao mi bellas

-jami leigh.