Monday, April 23, 2007

its up to you new york, neeeewwww yorrrrkkkk

today has been odd. i've not been in necessarily a "bad" mood, but an "odd" mood. i have often wondered what brings on "bad moods". is it our lack of energy, lack of sleep, lack of motivation, or did someone just piss us off? its a mystery. everyone is entitled to a bad mood now and again, so i guess today was just my turn . . . i've been listening to really good chill music these days and not getting enough sleep, so that could also be a couple contributing factors. i have never been so anxious for a semester to end in my life. this semester has been complete hell (as far as the school work goes). next semester will be so much more chill and full of good grades, i hope for the best! this semester i've been so busy with everything in the theatre, that i've barely had time to pay attention to school work this year. i mean im not failing anything as of mid-term, but its not quite where i'd like it to be, that sorta thing. i just can't wait to be back at Camp, where i can where gym shorts everyday and just be outdoors...i just love that mountain.

in other news..
in my acting 3 (styles) class, we are presenting our shakespeare scenes tomorrow afternoon. my scene partner and i worked on the scene today, and it went quite well actually. we had our professor sit in on our rehearsal and give us some pointers. i was excited that she liked it so much...becasue usually she doesnt like much of what anyone does haha.

the musical forecast...
i am currently listening to some of my favorite music as of now...and i feel like i should share this amazing music :) if you want chill, jazzy, smooth study music/date music try Ray LaMontagne. if you want good rhythmic, low key, granola eating music, try Iron & Wine (a favorite of mine for a while). if you are in a angry love mood, or just feel like being artsy try Damien Rice. and last but not least, if you are feeling like some good ben folds meets iron and wine type music try, Justin & Tomek. oh wait, one more, for some straight chill music try Cary Brothers.

well im going to go "study" some spanish...when watching eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and having some organic late night snacks. ahhhh this makes my day seem so much better already.

stay classy - till next time,


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