Saturday, November 04, 2006

just amazing.

today i took a drive to my sisters. i was amazed at the colors of the leaves. the trees are turning from green to browns and yellows and reds, beautiful...God is quite the artist.

sometimes its just crazy to think about. the same God that makes the trees, and the sky, and this beautiful earth we live on...loves each and everyone of us. sometimes in our hectic schedules and busy lives we seem to take it all for granted. as i was driving today i almost started crying. thinking about how much i've changed over the past year and how God has really put some special people in my life. i'll admit, i still have some growing to do...but at least now i'm growing more in Him.

even in this huge world...God still loves little ol' me...and well, thats just awesome.

i found this online...i think you'll like it....

...and the heavens rained golden leaves upon the earth
Have you ever walked slowly through autumn woods, allowing your spirit to absorb the soothing rustle of falling leaves? If you listen closely, you can hear them brushing against every leaf on the tree as they swirl past them on their journey to the earth below, almost as though they are exchanging final high-fives in passing. High-fives for the storms of spring they've endured together. High-fives for the summer shelter they've provided. And high-fives in celebration of the beauty of life they've been privileged to share and, in turn, been privileged to give in the golden hues of autumn color. And now, on God's silent cue, they've released themselves to a final journey where they will settle together upon the ground and converge in an earthy fragrance of life releasing itself back into the earth. Life releasing itself to provide strength for new life--the circle begun again as each new generation passes into it's own spring. Life reborn, a whispered promise by God in the soft, rustling sound of leaves falling upon the ground.

Father, the circle of life dances around us as the awe of autumn's beauty unfolds before our eyes. We are reminded that the beauty of our life lies not in the birth, but in the storms we've endured, the shelter we have provided; and the glorious color we at last bring forth in the years before our life is complete. Let us be blessed in knowing, however, that the greatest beauty of our life is the promise you whisper in our ear as our days begin to fade; the promise of the strength we leave behind for each new generation to begin anew.
(c) Shirley Jones - published in Prayers from St. Philips

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